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Sustainable Travel: How to Reduce Your Impact on the Environment

Sustainable Travel: How to Reduce Your Impact on the Environment

Sustainable travel is increasingly popular as more people realize how their choices on where they travel or how they do it impact the environment and surrounding communities and cultures. Being conscious of the choices you make in transportation, food, and activities can make a positive impact. For example, skipping yet another plastic water bottle for a re-useable one, or using energy-efficient transportation to get around a new city are part of the sustainable travel trend.

Why Sustainable Travel Matters

Travel is a great way to learn about other places on our precious planet, but it can also have a serious negative impact. The emissions from planes or cruise ships, the resources needed to maintain hotels, the impact on surrounding wildlife, delicate ecosystems, or cultural landmarks…all of these may get immediate benefit from tourism but the long-term effects aren’t so good.

Fortunately, more of us are becoming aware of so many ways to enjoy the experience and leave nothing but smiles and support for local communities behind.

  • The Environmental Impact of Tourism

    Planes, cruise ships, and taxi cabs at the destination have a heavy carbon footprint. However, that can be offset by choosing energy-efficient local transportation. Also, choose long-distance carriers that work to reduce their emissions or use sustainable aviation fuel.
  • Benefits of Embracing Eco-Friendly Travel Practices

    Knowing you’re actively helping our planet is the biggest benefit of eco-friendly travel practices. It’s deeply satisfying knowing that your connection to local communities is respectful and helpful makes your travel experience that much richer.
  • COCOON's Commitment to Sustainability in Manufacturing

    Since our start in 1989, COCOON has embraced outdoor adventures of all kinds. We deeply appreciate our natural world and are committed to creating travel accessories, choosing materials, and using manufacturing processes that will have the lightest impact.

Practical Tips for Eco-Conscious Travelers

Being eco-conscious on your travels doesn’t have to be inconvenient or hard. There are so many options in travel accessories and greater availability of green transportation and accommodation options. Start by packing light to reduce weight and the need for more fuel. And speaking of transportation, opt for walking, biking, or energy-efficient modes of getting around. 

Pack reusable items, like water bottles. Seek out accommodations with sustainable practices, like reducing the amount of laundry they do each day or working with local farms for their food services. Finally, support the surrounding community by skipping big chains and checking out local shops, restaurants, and other services.

  • Pack Light to Minimize Carbon Footprint

    Heavier bags equal more weight equals the need for more fuel to transport them. Packing cubes allows you to pack more efficiently.
  • Choose Reusable Travel Essentials

    Re-useable water bottles and bags, travel towels, and travel blankets all take some weight off local resources as well as the planet.


  • Benefits of Reusable Water Bottles and Coffee Cups

    A reusable water bottle saves over 200 plastic bottles a year. A reusable coffee cup saves water, CO2, and paper.
  • Sustainable Alternatives to Single-Use Plastics

    Reusable bottles and shopping bags, and stainless steel items are great alternatives to single-use items.


  • Opt for Sustainable Transportation Options

    Support airlines or cruise lines with “green” practices. At your destination, walk, bike, or use energy-efficient transportation.
  • Stay at Eco-Friendly Accommodations

    Check their policies on recycling, reducing plastic and water use, and sourcing local food.
  • Support Local and Sustainable Businesses

    Explore local restaurants and shops, especially those with sustainable practices, and support them with your money.

Sustainable Packing Essentials

Part of sustainability is being able to use something repeatedly over time, versus just tossing it. From water bottles to travel towels, reusable bags, cups, and more, these items will make traveling easier and less stressful for the planet.

  • Invest in Durable, High-Quality Travel Gear

    Instead of just picking the cheapest items, invest in items that will last you over the years. Consider it an investment in both quality and the planet.
  • Use Products Made from Recycled Materials

    Recycling has come a long way and there are infinite choices to make your travel “lighter.” Check labels and choose products made from recycled plastics, textiles, paper, and other materials gaining a second life.


  • Highlighting COCOON's Recycled Material Products

    COCOON proudly uses recycled materials in many different ways, including soft, 100 percent recycled microfiber for our travel blankets, eye shades, and more.


  • Pack Multipurpose Items to Reduce Waste

    Bringing along your own multi-use water bottle, coffee cup, travel towel, straw and the like is a great way to leave less waste – whether on the road or at home!

Reducing Waste While Traveling

In outdoor adventures, there’s a rule to “leave no trace” behind, meaning, hike out your trash, and respect wildlife and the surrounding environment. The same principle applies to any kind of travel, even to urban destinations. Leave as light a footprint as possible by using reusable items, recycling at the local level, and being conscious of waste.

  • Practice the "Leave No Trace" Principle

    If you can’t recycle at the moment, bring your trash along in a reusable bag and find a way to dispose of it properly later on.
  • Dispose of Waste Responsibly

    Look for appropriate waste cans, from trash to recyclables, and use them. If they’re not immediately available, tote your trash until you can find proper receptacles.
  • Participate in Local Recycling Programs

    Seek out and use proper recycling containers in hotels, on planes, and at your destination.

Supporting Conservation and Local Communities

Part of sustainable travel is recognizing ethical practices at every level. Start with choosing tour groups and transportation companies that are eco-conscious. Choose tours that are sensitive to their destinations and the impact that tourism has, both on the physical environment and local cultures. Be respectful, in both honoring any conservation efforts and surrounding customs.

  • Choose Ethical Tour Operators

    Ethical tour operators consider their impact on the local area and communities. They actively seek out local businesses and respect local customs and traditions.
  • Participate in Conservation Initiatives

    From reducing water and energy usage to avoiding sensitive ecosystems, be a conscious traveler.
  • Respect Local Cultures and Traditions

    This is a big part of sustainable travel – being respectful of the customs and traditions of those who live at your destination. This is their home, not yours.

How COCOON Contributes to Sustainable Travel

Since our start in 1989, COCOON has been passionate about promoting sustainable products and travel practices. We incorporate eco-friendly materials into our products and rely on manufacturing practices that are environmentally responsible.

  • Use of Recycled and Eco-Friendly Materials

    Many of our “soft” products, like travel pillows, travel sheets, and travel blankets, are made from recycled materials turned into soft microfiber fleece.
  • Commitment to Ethical Manufacturing Practices

    COCOON has been part of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) which monitors factory working conditions. And we regularly test our products for any harmful substances.
  • Partnerships with Environmental Organizations

    Our Code of Conduct is based on both established national and international laws as determined by the United Nations. Our practices specifically support ethical practices for the environment, animals, and local labor.

Inspiring Others to Travel Responsibly

With so many eco-friendly products, COCOON makes it easy to travel responsibly! Whether it’s a cozy travel sheet made from soft, recycled material or packing cubes to pack lighter and more efficiently, we have the travel accessories to make the most of every kind of adventure. 

Sustainable travel is a fast-growing segment of the market. Get behind it!

  • Share Your Sustainable Travel Experiences

    Let us hear about how you travel lighter and more sustainably. Got any tips or travel hacks? Products you love? Places to visit?
  • Advocate for Eco-Friendly Travel Policies

    Show your support for eco-friendly travel policies by letting the companies who practice them that you appreciate their efforts. And ask other favorite vendors to do more. E-mails and reviews go a long way.


We only have this one, magical planet. There are so many ways to enjoy it and leave a very light impact at the same time. Make a conscious decision to choose sustainable travel products, services, and habits so that both you and future generations can enjoy the adventures!

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