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Packing Cubes vs. Rolling Clothes: Which Saves More Space

Packing Cubes vs. Rolling Clothes: Which Saves More Space

Travelers know that rolling their clothes (versus folding them) can save some space in their luggage. The only downside is that bulky items like sweaters don’t always “roll” efficiently. Packing cubes, on the other hand, make much more efficient use of space overall, whether your clothes are rolled or not.


From a weekend trip to a long vacation, travelers know the challenges of packing efficiently. We’ve all struggled to bring enough stuff and pack it in a way that we can get to it easily. And having our clothes arrive undamaged and wrinkle-free is a welcome bonus! For all that to happen, one tool can help: packing cubes.

Packing cubes are sturdy, zippered soft containers designed to hold anything from toiletries to shoes and clothes. They’re structured to fit into luggage in a way that maximizes space. While you can fold clothes inside a packing cube, rolling them makes it even more efficient.

  • Why Efficient Packing Matters for Travelers

    Efficient packing is essential for travelers. It allows you to bring exactly what you need in a way that fits into the available luggage space. Being able to access things easily – such as your toiletries for TSA inspection – also reduces some of the stress of travel.

  • Overview of Packing Cubes and Rolling Clothes

    Both packing cubes and rolling clothes save space. By rolling clothes and putting them into a packing cube, you get even better results. Rolling clothes minimizes air pockets and reduces wrinkling. However, not everything should be rolled (like bulky items or delicate fabrics); the combination of rolling and placing in a packing cube results in extra room for those items.

What Are Packing Cubes?

Packing cubes are among those travel accessories designed to make your experience easier and more efficient. They’re soft-sided, zippered, usually waterproof pieces in different sizes. Packing cubes fit beautifully into anything from a backpack or carry-on to a traditional suitcase and allow you to fit in more stuff. They organize small items like electronics or toiletries, and bigger items like pants, shirts, and shoes. 

Travelers use packing cubes to keep things better organized and within easy reach. They can be used to separate dirty clothes from clean, or contain individual outfits. The possibilities are endless.

  • How Packing Cubes Work

    Packing cubes are soft-sided, zippered containers in various sizes; they’re typically waterproof as well. Their form fits inside all kinds of luggage very efficiently, making the most of the space. Some cubes can also be compressed, providing you with even more space.

  • Benefits of Using Packing Cubes

    Besides allowing you to pack more, packing cubes keep you organized. You won’t be pawing through your suitcase or carry-on looking for everything from a phone charger to the outfit you’ve planned for a special occasion. Use packing cubes like little “drawers,” keeping everything easily within reach. This also comes in handy during TSA inspections.

What Is the Rolling Clothes Method?

Rolling (versus folding) clothes saves space inside a suitcase and helps to reduce wrinkling. Lay a piece of clothing flat, fold sleeves and edges inward, then tightly roll it into a tube shape. These can be stuffed inside shoes or other odd spaces in the luggage. 

Some items, like a heavy sweater or something made from a delicate fabric, may not be suited to rolling.

  • How Rolling Clothes Helps with Packing

    Rolling clothes squeezes out air bubbles in the fabric, essentially compressing them to save space. This technique also reduces wrinkling.

  • Cons of Rolling Clothes

    Not everything can be “rolled,” such as a heavy sweater. Some fabrics may be too delicate for this method, in which case, folding is a better way.

Packing Cubes vs. Rolling Clothes: A Space-Saving Comparison

Both using packing cubes and rolling your clothes will save space. However, packing cubes have an edge in how organized they keep you overall. You can also combine the power of both methods, by placing rolled clothes inside a packing cube! 

Cubes have another edge in that some can compress their contents, saving even more space.

  • Which Method Maximizes Suitcase Space?

    By design, packing cubes, especially those that can compress items, make the best use of suitcase space.

  • Which Method Keeps Clothes More Organized?

    One of the benefits of packing cubes is how organized they keep you on your travels. Your casual and dressier items can be separated. Dirty or wet clothes won’t affect clean ones. You can pack a complete outfit – like business clothes – in a cube so that it's ready to go.

  • Which Method Reduces Wrinkles Better?

    Rolling clothes helps reduce wrinkles, but packing cubes do that and more. Cubes keep you a lot more organized on your travels.

When to Use Packing Cubes vs. When to Roll Clothes

Rolling lightweight clothes is fine for a little space-saving if you’re working with casual, wrinkle-resistant fabrics. However, packing cubes are ideal for travel situations in which you need to pack for different weather or occasions (like a destination wedding where you need both a formal outfit and casual wear). Packing cubes allow for better compartmentalization inside your luggage. Additionally, if you’re going to be wearing a delicate fabric, folding it and laying it flat inside a packing cube (instead of rolling it) provides more protection.

  • Best Situations for Packing Cubes

    Packing cubes are great for packing multiple kinds of clothing (warm or cold weather, fancy versus casual). They keep these pieces organized, accessible, and wrinkle-free.

  • When Rolling Clothes Works Best

    Rolling clothes works best with fabrics that are wrinkle-resistant and lightweight. It’s not suited to very delicate pieces or ones that are very bulky.

  • Can You Combine Both Methods?

    Rolling clothes and then stashing them inside a packing cube gives you maximum space saving! Just be sure that the fabrics are suited to rolling (lightweight, wrinkle-resistant, and not too delicate).

Final Verdict: Which One Should You Choose?

Rolling clothes is a perfectly acceptable space-saving technique for packing. But there are limits: not every item can or should be rolled, and you still battle with staying effortlessly organized. Clothes can become wrinkled or damaged from leaking toiletries, muddy shoes, or a wet bathing suit.

Packing cubes come in all shapes and sizes, so they’re suitable for every kind of getaway. Not only do they save you space, they make it so much easier to organize your belongings and have easy access to them. This comes in handy on long trips, those with kids, or trips that require clothes for different temperatures or occasions.

  • Key Takeaways for Different Travelers

    Whether you’re packing for a quick getaway, business trip, or long vacation, packing cubes make it easy to save space and stay organized.

  • Personal Preference vs. Practical Benefits

    Packing cubes work like little “drawers,” ensuring that you can easily find what you’re looking for when you’re away from home. The lowered stress and frustration can make any kind of trip much more enjoyable!


When it comes to choosing between rolling your clothes to save space in your luggage, or using packing cubes, there’s no wrong choice. However, packing cubes can do more. They make it easy to organize clothing, toiletries, and accessories and get quick access to them.

You can separate dirty or wet clothes, keep your business outfit fresh and ready to go, keep track of small electronics, and so much more. 

Plus, you can combine both for maximum space saving. Roll things like t-shirts or pajamas and pack them in a cube!

  • Making the Right Packing Choice for Your Next Trip

    COCOON makes travel accessories designed for all kinds of adventures! We offer lightweight packing cubes in a convenient set of three sizes, single cubes, and cubes that compress for even more space-saving. See what we have to offer and give a packing cube a test drive on your next trip!

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