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Jan 10, 2023

How to Select the Right Sleeping Bag Liner Material

Getting a clean, comfortable night’s sleep is a high priority for any traveler – from rugged mountaineers to island-loving hostel surfers. Finding the right sleeping bag liner can make all the difference in the quality of your globetrotting rest. Still, how can you figure out the best material for sleeping bag liners? COCOON is here with a comprehensive guide to choosing the right sleeping bag liner material for you. First, let’s talk about how a sleeping bag liner can enhance your adventures and what factors to have in mind when narrowing down the best sleeping bag liner material choice.

Jan 8, 2023

How to select the right temperature sleeping bag

But before you go out and spend hundreds of dollars on a quality sleeping bag, first, you need to determine what temperature bag will best suit your outdoor needs. This comprehensive guide will help you find the perfect sleeping bag and maybe even a few sleeping accessories that will keep you dry, warm, and comfortable on your next adventure.

Nov 17, 2022

Why Do You Need a Sleeping Bag Liner for Backpacking and Travel?

5 Reasons Why You Should Use a Sleeping Bag Liner Sleeping bag liners make your sleeping bag warmer And the ability to add insulation to your sleeping bag is a big deal! Especially on those evenings when the temps dip lower than anticipated. It’s always best to be well-prepared.

Nov 16, 2022

Did You Know You Might Be Ruining Your Sleeping Bag by Washing it Incorrectly?

Not only does a sleeping bag liner provide up to 15 degrees of added insulation, but it also creates a barrier between your body oils and dirt and the inside of your sleeping bag. Without a sleeping bag liner, that dirt and oil would eventually migrate through the interior fabric of your sleeping bag and settle into the fill.
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